BNI Fact Sheet: What you need to know about BNI

BNI is the most successful organization of its type in the world. We have over 9,500 chapters and over 280,000 members worldwide. But what is it that makes BNI so special?

Here's what makes BNI different from other networking opportunities:

  • We allow only one member in each chapter per profession. This makes you the trusted advisor for your profession in your chapter.
  • BNI has structured meetings, so everyone has a chance to speak (perfect for those who aren't the loudest voice in the room).
  • Chapters meet once per week (currently on Zoom) for 1 ½ hours on average. Members are also encouraged to have individual meetings with one another at other times during the week. One “121” meeting is recommended per week. As most members would tell you, “The 121s are where the magic happens.”
  • We offer tons of support and training. Each chapter has members designated as mentors, visitor hosts, and education coordinators to be sure everyone gets the most out of their BNI membership
  • Your BNI membership goes beyond just your chapter. There are over 800 members throughout Central Florida, all of whom are accessible to one another and incentivized to help each other grow. BNI members are part of a big happy family.
  • The BNI philosophy is “Givers Gain.” BNI members are encouraged to pass referrals with each other.
  • There are over 30 BNI chapters across Central Florida and they all meet on different days of the week. Therefore, finding a convenient meeting for your schedule is easy! To visit a chapter, visit, click the button that says, “Search Meetings by Day of Week or City,” and browse away!

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